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How to Become a Bestselling Author

To know how to become a bestselling author, read our proven guidelines. To become a best-selling author you have to know these things first.

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Last updated on Mar 14th, 2024

How to Become a Bestselling Author

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It is easy to become a writer if you want. But can you become a bestselling author or a good writer easily? People ask, “How to become a bestselling author?”. The answer is that being a good writer is a matter of practice. And a good writer can become a bestselling author. To be a good writer as well as a bestselling author, you must follow certain rules in your writing.

Today we are going to discuss all the tips and rules of becoming a bestselling author. So read the entire article carefully if you want to become a bestselling author. 

How to Become a Bestselling Author

To become a bestselling author, follow the rules outlined below. These guidelines may help you to become a successful author.  

  1. Start writing with ambition.
  2. Improve writing quality.
  3. Try to express your full feelings in a piece of writing.
  4. Write primarily for yourself.
  5. Write the correct words and sentences.
  6. Write about new topics, don’t copy another writer exactly.
  7. Make stories about what people do.
  8. Learn the techniques of artistic description.
  9. Cut yourself off from the rest of the world while writing.
  10. Read your text yourself as a reader.
  11. Get your story read by an experienced writer
  12. Build a solid identity with your quality writing across various social media platforms.
  13. Participate in various campaigns.
  14. Finally, come up with the best book you’ve ever created.
Become a Bestselling Author
Become a Bestselling Author

Let’s discuss these outlines in detail. 

1. Start writing with ambition

Begin writing in a way that makes the reader more interested in reading your writing. Begin writing in a way that makes the reader more interested in reading your writing. 

Begin writing in a way that makes the reader more interested in reading your writing.

2. Improve writing quality

Related: How to Improve Writing Skills

The first condition to start writing is that the quality of the writing should be good. Make a little improvement in your writing every day. 

Compare your writing, determine the quality of your writing, check the quality of your writing, and try to improve that writing.

3. Try to express your full feelings in a piece of writing

Try to convey your whole feeling, and emotion in each part of the sentence. Readers won’t accept you if you can’t express all your feelings in writing. So try to write stories, and novels with all. 

Present your writing in such a way that the readers can understand the feeling you convey in every word of the writing.

4. Write primarily for yourself

Writing is a matter of love and affection. It can never be forced upon oneself. You can’t write about a topic you don’t want to write about. So to become a bestselling author you need to write about your favorite topic so that you can write the best. 

Every writer should write about his/her favorite subject. Only then can the author gain recognition from others through his writings.

5. Write the correct words and sentences

One of the most important tips and rules for becoming a bestselling author is writing the right sentences and words. Readers will not accept you as a good writer if your writing has multiple words or sentences wrong. 

If you want to make yourself known as a good writer in the reading community, you must be one hundred percent accurate in sentences and words. This is how you can go from being a good writer to a bestselling author.

6. Write about new topics, don’t copy another writer exactly

The greatest quality of a common writer is that his writing will be innovative. From this it can be understood that to be a good writer, he must bring innovation in his writing. 

No writing, story, or novel can be directly copied from another author in any way, but ideas can be written. 

This process will help you understand the writing style. On the other hand, you will never become a good writer by copying the writings of other writers.

7. Make stories about what people do

The main livelihood of story writing is the real life of people. Turn people’s life stories into stories, and novels by applying your skills, emotions, and correct sentences. 

It is possible to create high-quality writing by applying the colors of one’s imagination to the human life story.

8. Learn the techniques of artistic description

Before becoming a writer, you have to be an artist, you have to be creative like an artist. An artist can decorate people’s minds with his imagination. 

When he succeeds in his purpose he will be able to present some new information which will strike a chord with a reader. 

Therefore, to become a bestselling author, one must adopt artistic techniques.

9. Cut yourself off from the rest of the world while writing

If you want to be a good writer, you must work hard. It is not possible to become a writer without effort. And it is never possible to concentrate while keeping an eye on the world. 

So while writing you must be free from all other thoughts in the world. Otherwise, you cannot emerge as a bestselling author.

10. Read your text yourself as a reader

After writing a book you need to check the quality of your writing. After writing a book you need to check the quality of your writing. 

Then a reader can easily identify the writer’s mistakes. And through this process, you can correct your mistakes.

11. Get your story read by an experienced writer

After revising your writing yourself, you can have your writing taught by another experienced writer. He will help you to correct the mistakes in your writing which will improve the quality of your writing.

This step is very important to become a bestselling author.

Related: How to Become a Technical Writer

12. Build a solid identity with your quality writing across various social media platforms

Always try to write some quality content on social media, even if it’s less. Try to increase your audience by writing on different social media. Increase your exposure, and increase your readership. 

If you have enough readers on various social media, these readers will be the most likely to buy your book after its release. It is an incredible way to become a bestselling author.

13. Participation in various campaigns

The most important factor in becoming a bestselling author is exposure. Most of the readers don’t want to buy books written by unknown authors. 

So the bestselling author needs to increase his exposure first. One step to increase exposure is social media mentioned above. But one more step is to participate in various campaigns.

14. Finally come up with the best book you’ve ever created.

When you feel you have completed all the steps above, publish your excellent book. If you follow each step carefully, you will be among the bestselling authors.


Writing is a great quality as a writer. The poet is called the craftsman of making people. If this writing is accepted as a means of livelihood, the competition for bestselling will have to be done. 

And to make your debut as a bestselling author, you must complete each of the above steps. 

Only then can you become a bestselling author. May your dream of becoming a bestselling author come true.

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Our content is thoroughly researched and fact-checked using reputable sources. While we aim for precision, we encourage independent verification for complete confidence.

We keep our articles up-to-date regularly to ensure accuracy and relevance as new information becomes available.

Written By
Editorial Staff
Edited By
Murad Khan
Reviewed By
Editorial Team

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